Sunday, December 10, 2006 there's actually and excuse!

Halloween. Ghosts... goblins...witches...devils.......scary things...and what do I get?? Bok bok bok bok bok.... a CHICKEN !?!?!?!....what is the deal!...apparently I am already a devil so I couldn't go as that.....and roosters wake people up in the morning (and I wake people up in the morning) so they chose the chicken. We walked into daycare that day.. and there was paparazzi everywhere.. following me... snapping my photo......on the ONE day that I have to look like an idiot.....I can only imagine what the tabloids will say......Ella: Trans-animal. Does she really know who she is?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare your human dress you like that :p

6:57 PM  

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